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Palace On Wheels  •  Rajasthan, India
December 3-10, 2003

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Palace On Wheels

Amber Palace - Arches, Doorways and Screens


Most palaces have this structure which served as an outdoor meeting hall, throne room and courtroom.  Men only please.  The women would watch the proceedings from behind finely carved marble screens located on the second floor of the adjacent palace.


Elephant Lintels


Elephant Painting


Part of the air-conditioning system in a small wing of the palace.  Water fell into this 1 foot wide canal though a room made of marble.  The water was collected outside as it fell into a pool in the garden.  Servants would carry it back up to the top and continue the process ad nauseum. 




Carpets and pillows would be strewn, the columns garlanded with silk and flowers, and sometimes even a swing installed for his majesty's' pleasure.






Greetings Behind the Screens


Behind the Screens



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